Side effects getting worse
Spent four hours vomiting every ten minutes from midnight to four in the morning on Sunday night...
Reminded me of being a teenager. Particularly Sandford discos.
I am taking 10mg of morphine sulphate every 4 hours. I also have a local anasthetic called Instillagel I use for my mouth, along with a home brew of the Royal Marsdens called Mucilage that I mix with aspirin and gargle every four hours. I also have metropan (sp?) for sickness (as if I am not sick enough), and also co-codemol 30/500 for general pain relief.
The funny thing is that the biggest long term effect is damage to teeth and the blood suplpy to teeth so dental hygiene is massively important. This is explained early on in the process and sounds fair enough, until you find yourself presented with a mouth and gums so ulcerated it is painful to put a toothbrush within spitting distance of your mouth (if you could spit), let alone use toothpaste etc. I have a flouride paste that protects my teeth however it feels like steak hitting a hot griddle.
The hardest thing to do is eat. Physical (it hurts to swallow) but also the psychological (I am hungry, but my brain chooses to surpress the hunger to avoid the pain). I have various drink based food supplments but they are all utterly disgusting, and what is the point when you vomit them anyway?
I've stopped working now. I am also a little scary to look at now - I look like I fell asleep under a sun lamp, just after taking a punch in the mouth.