The last posting (ever?)
Thank yous.
I had to do this because for the first time in my life I came up against something too big to face alone. I never imagined I would have to face such pain & fear in my thirties. Some people gave such stunning (and practical) support and encouragement over the past eight months I need to mention them, I (we) could not have got to here without them.
I have been so lucky to have had J by my side, I am humbled by her strength and determination.
Markie pointed me at Patrick Bradley and encouraged me to seek a second opinion. This
acted as a tipping point which changed the path of my treatment, and almost definitely
my long term prognosis.
Janet & David, Anne, Sarah & Penny, Markie & Lyn, Cara & Stewart, Louise, Saskia, Helen, Chitra, Bruno, Cormac, Piero, Yates, Tom and OC&C, who where so supportive to J.
I'm going swimming with the kids :)