Unbelievable, I get the courage to take the moped to work today, I stop at a pedestrian crossing when the lights go red. It's a wide straight road with little traffic, I am reminiscing on my accident only three months ago, 200 metres away, when I get rear-ended by a pickup truck. Massive impact, moped pops an enormous wheelie and shoots out from under me and I hit the deck, with a micro second to think 'oh no not again...' like the bowl of petunias in the hitch hikers guide to the Galaxy... Then on the road with massive pain in my lower back.
Some teenagers run over and (to my horror) dragged me up and off the road (I cannot walk or move my legs and of course imagine a broken back). I'm fine though, just badly bruised.
Ambulance and police arrive but this time I refuse a trip to hospital. We were both breathalised (1030am). The driver of the pick-up is going down for careless driving; if he had not stopped it would have been gates for me. Once again I am exonerated as a vulnerable road user and victim. The moped is a true wreck now though I got it to work and home.
Fifteen years driving big bikes and no problems, six months on a moped and three accidents, none avoidable, none my fault. The biggest danger I face is the London commute. The moped has got to go. Who ever said a Ducati 900 was dangerous ? The noise saves lives through road presence.