The PEG goes in
We've finally decided to go ahead with having the PEG surgery. Difficult call so late i nthe day regarding recovery but what has swung it is a need to start getting back to 'normality'. The PEg is far more discreet and less likely to cause complications than the current tube up the nose set up. The PEG will allow me to mingle more with people without standing out so much.
Getting better
Recovery is back on track again and I feel better and stronger most days now, hurrah! Had friends to stay for a couple of days which was a delight, great friends and company did a lot to take our minds off everything else :)
Tried some mashed potatoe today which did not work out well, this, and the relative discomfort of the NG tube tonight is reinforcing the decision to go ahead with the PEG.
Back in Hospital
This means I am back in hospital at 2pm tomorrow (Monday), and will be back home on Wednesday with new PEG tube in place. It is unclear yet whether it will be a general or local anaesthetic, apparently they often do this under heavy sedation although in my case it sounds like they are aiming for a general - perhaps because of the pain and swellig in my throat...