Inpatient ? Impatient.
I might have to go back into hospital for a couple of days to get back on the recovery road. My weight is still nosediving (I started at 79 and am now baout 67kilos). Going back to hospital as an inpatient would mean I can be fed through a tube for a couple of days so I get a good shot of nutrition which will help my body recover from the RT. Again, short term pain for longer term gain.
Other than that I am regularly hallucinating. A good example of the sort of thing was yesterday evening two people at the foot of my bed kept silently proferring me flowers to buy from a whicker basket. They didn't talk or aything, but also, they wouldn't go away (and I am still at home at the moment!). So I just kept turning my head in a silent 'no', then asked J if she'd seen them!
Dreams and wakefulness are much more merged. Another thing is that I 'think' in dialgue a lot more, when I do this my hands involuntarily start to turn the pages of an imaginary book.
So going into hospital is probably a good ting to do, main obstacle will be the availability of a bed...