Monday, September 27, 2004


I'm at home now and had a good weekend. J is well although we are both up and down a bit. Sarah has been over helping since last Wednesday which has been a godsend. She's off home tomorrow and will be missed.

So what do I look like now? Well, I have a larger cut across my throat (about twice what it was for those who saw the first, running up to below the ear). I look funny in that my face is a bit lob-sided - this will get better though as the soft tissue grows back. I can't talk properly. I have a slur, cannot project my voice and have lost the use of parts of my tongue. This is all temporary though and I should get back to normal over the next few weeks. It makes me feel unusually self conscious though and I do not like meeting or talking to people in public. I get tired if I talk to much (who would have believed it!) and my slur gets worse during the day.

We shall get some biopsy results next week which might have a big impact on my clinical prognosis.

Radiotherapy will start as quickly as possible now.