The Mould Room
Had my first visit to the Royal Marsden yesterday. Great staff who were really friendly. It does not however cover up the fact that nearly everyone attending is there with very serious intent.
Basically the radiotherapy treatment involves some interesting practical difficulties because they need to be able to shoot radio beams into my neck with an accuracy of less than one millimetre. They do this by bolting me down to a computer controlled table by a big perspex cover that tightly holds my head, neck, arms and chest in place. This perspex cover is moulded to my body so they make a unique cover for me. So yesterday I spent the morning in my very own moulding session in the ignominiously named 'mould room' at the Royal Marsden in Fulham. getting completely covered from head to chest in dental moulding clay and plaster of paris (they leave a little hole to breathe through and put a stocking on your head to cover your hair). It is a bit like (I guess) an extreme beauty therapy!